Saturday, February 20


Sara: And if I were to go?

Harris: All I know is, on the day your plane was to leave, if I had the power, I would turn the winds around, I would roll in the fog, I would bring in storms, I would change the polarity of the earth so compasses couldn't work, so your plane couldn't take off.

(from L.A. Story - one of my very favorite films...)

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    I think I should see this show..
    I like your respect for the well written word..
    I never knew much about you and nat's life's.
    Your sure enough a heartfelt craftsman like E. Your voice ..
    what I have read thus far do indeed make me think of him and I hear his like mind , You two have share the gift. The gift of expression you both share souls that understand sorrow and grief .
    Many powerful talks did your brother and I share. He needed a place like this to breath.

    His soul syncopate with another. we taught each other how to talk about pain, secrets , dreams, ambition, strength, and that it was ok to cry. We knew each other's core So rest assured when I say that you and he were indeed matched in clear mind,soft bruise-able souls that seek refuge and control from your shared inborn powerful empathy cells. Dooming yourselves to do self sacrificing battle against all sorrows and pains.
    Confident sibling Samaritans aware, able both purposely and uniquely blessed to defend God's innocent souls .

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