Sunday, August 3

Have Mercy on Me!

{this devotion is originally from}
"Then they came to the town of Jericho.
Jesus was leaving that town with his followers and many other people.
A blind man named Bartimaeus (son of Timaeus) was sitting by the road.
This man was always begging for money.
The blind man heard that Jesus from Nazareth was walking by.
The blind man shouted, "Jesus, Son of David, please help me!"
~Mark 10:46-47 (ERV)~

So often we let pride and social convention keep us from asking from God what we most need from Him
and what He is often most willing to give us ~
Let's not be shamed into silence.
When we realize we need mercy, grace, and forgiveness, let's not be shy about humbly asking for it
from our generous and loving Father.

O Father, without Your mercy and grace I would surely fail to find my way into Your holy presence.
Thank You for lavishing Your gifts of grace and the Holy Spirit upon me.
Let me never forget Your mercy, love, and grace.
In Jesus' name.