i started painting...watercolors.
that's really new for me and the first thing i've painted
is called "angry sky" and it's a picture of a tornado.
i dream about tornadoes quite a bit and though i used to be fascinated by them,
when we had that tornado scare and 3 touched down very near to where i live,
the fascination petered out...
i often dream that i am the first one to see the tornado coming and i run around trying to alert everyone
then run around trying to gather up my 3 children and head for cover.
in each dream, as me and the children kneel, praying, for Abba's divine intervention, the tornado
passes us by.
we are spared.
God's miraculous mercy - saving us yet again...
but the dreams have become more and more vivid, and i wake up remembering the sounds and smells
and the fear that is so prevalent each time.
i only know 2 other people who dream of tornadoes on a regular basis and both have asked
Jesus into their hearts to be their Lord and Savior...
i believe the dreams are a warning...an alert to be ready.
that reminds me of a favorite song/chorus: "When the Time Comes" (by sandi patti)
"and when the time comes, i want Him to know me
when the time comes, i wanna be there
and when the time comes, i wanna be ready
when Jesus comes to take me Home..."
how 'bout you? are you ready?
if not, heads up...looks like a storm is coming.