Monday, July 3

Happy 4th of July!!

i'm so excited for the 4th of July!!
we bbq all day, light our fireworks after sunset and just enjoy being with family and friends! 😊

it's a truly blessed day and i'm so thankful that i'll get to spend it with my children! 

we still buy sparklers and write our names in the air...(it never fails that my beautiful daughter Bronte' burns herself every single year!)

my all-time fav firework is the bees!!! they're the best!
and they're sort of scary because you never know where they'll end up!!

last year i lit one of the bees and i accidentally dropped it right in front of me and then i ran and Alexandra, my beautiful daughter, was walking towards me and i grabbed her and dragged her away!  even though we were at a safe distance, it whizzed right by my ear!...after i explained why i did that, we laughed and laughed, cuz that's the kind of thing that only ever happens to me, lol!!!

i thank our Father that i'm an American and i'm proud to celebrate our Independence Day!

so Happy 4th of July everyone
and God bless you for stopping by!!