Sunday, December 20

for her...

i cannot believe she is gone...

we miss you already, brittany.

Monday, November 23

This is Faith...i praise God for this precious one!

This is Faith...

This dog was born on Christmas Eve, 2002.

He was born with only two rear legs.

He of course could not walk when he was born.

Even his mother did not want him.
His first owner also did not think that he could survive and he was thinking of 'putting him to sleep'.
But then, his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and wanted to take care of him.
She became determined to teach and train him to walk by himself.
She named him 'Faith'.

In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfboard to let him feel the movement.
Later she used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure and reward
for him for standing up and jumping around.
Even the other dog at home encouraged him to walk.
Amazingly, only after six months, like a miracle,
Faith learned to balance on his hind legs and jump to move forward.
After further training in snow, he could now walk like a human being.

Faith loves to walk around now.
No matter where he goes, he attracts people to him.
He is fast becoming famous on the international scene and
has appeared on various newspapers and TV shows.
There is a book entitled 'With a Little Faith' being published about him.
He was even considered to appear in one of Harry Potter movies.

His present owner Jude Stringfellew has given up her teaching post and plans to take him around the world to preach that even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul'.

In life there are always undesirable things, so in order to feel better you just need to look at life from another direction. I hope this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking and help us be thankful for each beautiful day. Faith is continual demonstration of the strength and wonder of life .

A small request: All you are asked to do is keep this story circulating.

Thursday, November 19

Ernzy...days like yours

Ernzy, Ernzy, Ernzy...

today is your birthday and i miss you with every heartbeat...
days like yours ~ i miss you so acutely, so desperately.
you are so beautiful, did i ever tell you that??
so beautiful...

a dreamer, believer, soother, persuader, carpenter, comic, magician, musician, poet, adventurer, inventor, friend, son, my brother and a son of God.

you will always be this and so much more, precious Ernzy...
and we will see each other again...i promise.

i love you, Ernzy...

Happy Birthday.

Tuesday, November 17

dear Ma...

it's your birthday today...actually i got it late this time...

that's never happened before and i'm so sorry, Ma!

though i'm so very flawed, i know that you see through all that, Ma, to the woman who will always be your little girl...

i will, did ya know?
i love you so very much and i've tried to tell you and show you all these many years gone by...

you mean the world to me and i couldn't imagine this world without you in it...

dear Ma,
my Ma...
thank you thank you thank you for everything you are and how important your life is to me and all those you've touched and blessed.

your life matter and i will always love you.

with all i am and all my love ~

Happy Birthday, Ma!!!

your Missy...

Friday, October 30

this devotion is just perfect...

(this devotion and many others can be found at

Dear Father,

worthy of my love and obedience,
May the thought of deceit or falsehood never enter into my relations with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Let all of us speak the truth with our neighbors, since we are members of each other.
Don't let my anger turn into sin.
May I never let the sun go down on my wrath.
Don't let grudge-holding and unforgiveness on my part give the devil any opportunity.
Help me never to covet anything that belongs to someone else, but rather to work with my mind and my hands to get the things needed by myself and others.

In the name of Jesus who sacrificed himself for my sake.

Monday, September 14

just for her...

i want to just take a minute here and praise God for rescuing taylor swift last night...

i am grateful that beyonce put herself aside and made certain taylor received her moment 'in the sun'.

“They told me to stand by the side of the stage and I didn’t really know what was going to go down, but I thought it was so wonderful and gracious of her to do what she’s always done,” Swift said.

“She’s always been a great person before anything else.

Before the talented artist, the superstar, she’s always been a great person and I just, I thought I couldn’t love BeyoncĂ© more tonight, then tonight happened and it was just wonderful.”

thank You, Father, for turning heartache into rejoicing...

noone does it quite like You, dearest Abba,

and i'm grateful for that too.

Thursday, August 13

most of all...

i feel:

in awe
watched over

i feel these things when i am sitting in the palm of my Father's hand...

i feel:


i feel these things when i am using my own 'fuel' to live...
when i'm attempting to be the captain of this ship...trying to steer my own 'course'.
when i refuse to let our Abba Father be in control.
when i grow weary...
tired of waiting...
and possibly afraid of all my prayers being answered.

that last one is a powerful one...i can feel it resonate against the walls of my heart.

do i truly want my prayers answered?

i do want my Christian family reunited and rebound with the cords of God's love and salvation.
i do want us all to worship under the same roof again.
i do want the necessary surgery and subsequent healing to come to fruition...

do i still believe that God can and will fulfill His promises?
do i still believe that God can do the impossible?
do i still want Him to?

yes...i do.

Wednesday, April 22


my son said a terrible thing to me last night...

took my breath away...

couldn't even talk after that...

i just sat quietly on the couch and cried...

he broke my heart.

lil b was in the kitchen when he said those things to me

and after he stopped talking, she wrote me a note

and told me how much she loves me and she was sorry for what he did,

and how he caused me so much pain.

i was grateful for her empathy and compassion.

and then this morning, just before my son left for school, he stood in the hallway and said very quietly,


i looked at him, then at my lap and said "yes?"

and he completely apologized and took back what he said, that he didn't mean it at all, and told me how truly sorry he was for saying those things and making me cry.

he was truly repentant...

i quietly told him that it was okay...

and suddenly, it was.

the softened heart of someone who's truly repentant is a beautiful thing to behold.

it's unmistakable,


it's the missing 'Balm of Gilead',

it's healing,



and heart-defining.

i've been denied forgiveness in the past

and though the experience was very painful,

it changed the way i see forgiveness...



if you've wounded another, take the scary step forward

and in true repentance, "eat and own" what you have done.

we all make big mistakes at times and need big forgiveness.

if someone's wounded you, whether they ever apologize or not,

forgive as quickly and as thoroughly as you can.

it's the only way to be set free from the past ~

even if the past was just last night...

Saturday, April 18

Amen and amen to this...i hate death!

For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
*1 Corinthians 15:25-26*

How many times have you stood over the grave of a recently departed friend or loved one?
When was the last time you tasted grief and separation from someone you dearly loved?
I don't know about you, but I am so thankful that the Bible identifies death as one of Jesus' enemies.
I am thankful that he hates death, and the damage and separation it causes, even more than I do.
I am filled with joy to know that death will be destroyed and immortality and life will be given to the children of God!

Holy Father, please triumph with life and mercy in the lives of those I know who are wrestling with emotional, spiritual, and physical death.
Triumph in their lives through your power and your grace. I look forward to the day, dear Father, when death is no more.
Lord Jesus, I not only pray this in your name, but I ask you to speed this day.
(this and other devotions can be found at

Saturday, March 21

powerful reminder...

(this and many other devotions can be found at

"Don't judge other people, and God will not judge you.

If you judge other people, you will be judged in the same way you judge them.

And the way you give to other people will be the way God gives to you."

Matthew 7:1-2 (ERV)


As Matthew continues his presentation of Jesus' great teaching, he wants us to hear the Lord's words on how to live in our world. The previous verses have focused on how to deal with our concerns for provision and our desires for more things. In the next few verses, the focus will be on our treatment of others. Jesus doesn't want us to fault-find, gossip, or be cynical and harshly critical of those around us. He doesn't want us to assume that we know the motives of others' hearts. He wants us to be gracious to others as God has been gracious with us. However, if we choose to ignore his words, he warns that God will judge us with the same standard we use on others. Pretty sobering reminder to be gracious!


Forgive me Father, for the times I have been less than kind about one of your children. I am sorry, because I know that you have so much more to be disappointed about in me than I do in others. Father, I want you to help me now, as I pray; please remove any bitter or critical spirit that infects my character. Through your Holy Spirit, form in me the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control that show your presence and transformation in my life.

In Jesus' name I pray.


Sunday, March 15

how we look...

i got the scripture above in my morning devotionals and it really struck home for me...

"how you look at other people..."


i'm a firm believer that there is good in everyone.

it's just harder to find in some of us.

in fact, i'd say that we all need more than a second look to see who the people around us really are on the inside...

the world we live in today, can be so incredibly cynical and dismissive.

we can be so cynical and dismissive

and we often are.

the teacher who snapped at your children...

the bank teller you've gone to for years, suddenly bites your head off...

the grocery clerk who's always friendly, sighs impatiently while you're digging for coupons...

the bus driver, your doctor, the mechanic, your roommate, your boss and the list goes on!

are they just a bunch of jerks or is there more to their stories?

do they need another look?

how do we look at them?

because the Word says how we look at someone is what makes us who we are...

we need to take a second, third and seventh look at those around us and ask ourselves,

"are we looking for the good in that person or just digging for dirt?"

someone once said "...perception is everything".

and in this case, i agree.


how are you looking at the people around you today?

or to put it another way...

are you holding binoculars or a shovel?

Tuesday, February 24

for our Ernzy...

My Mom put this in today's Spokesman Review...we miss you always, precious Ernzy...always.

Sunday, February 22

a beautiful devotion from charles spurgeon and

"The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power."

-- Nahum 1:3

Jehovah "is slow to anger."

When mercy comes into the world she drives winged steeds;

the axles of her chariot-wheels are red hot with speed;

but when wrath goes forth, it toils on with tardy footsteps, for God takes no pleasure in the sinner's death.

God's rod of mercy is ever in his hands outstretched;

his sword of justice is in its scabbard, held down by that pierced hand of love which bled for the sins of men.

"The Lord is slow to anger," because he is GREAT IN POWER.

He is truly great in power who hath power over himself.

When God's power doth restrain himself, then it is power indeed:

the power that binds omnipotence is omnipotence surpassed.

A man who has a strong mind can bear to be insulted long, and only resents the wrong when a sense of right demands his action.

The weak mind is irritated at a little:

the strong mind bears it like a rock which moves not,

though a thousand breakers dash upon it, and cast their pitiful malice in spray upon its summit.

God marks his enemies, and yet he stirs not himself, but holds in his anger.

If he were less divine than he is, he would long before this have sent forth the whole of his thunders,

and emptied the magazines of heaven;

he would long ere this have blasted the earth with the wondrous fires of its lower regions,

and man would have been utterly destroyed; but the greatness of his power brings us mercy.

Dear reader, what is your state this evening?

Can you by humble faith look to Jesus, and say, "My substitute, thou art my rock, my trust"?

Then, beloved, be not afraid of God's power;

for by faith you have fled to Christ for refuge, the power of God need no more terrify you,

than the shield and sword of the warrior need terrify those whom he loves.

Rather rejoice that he who is "great in power" is your Father and Friend.

Saturday, February 21

another great devotion from


Romans 12:16-21

Dear Father, God of the lowly,

Help me live in harmony with others -

without haughtiness, without conceit, willing to associate with the lowly.

Help me to repay no one evil for evil, but to take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.

As far as it depends on me, let me live peaceably with everyone.

Let me seek no revenge for myself, but leave it to your wrath, O God.

Help me, Father, not to be overcome with evil, but to overcome evil with good.

In the name and authority of Jesus I boldly come, asking these things according to his will.


this is a great devotion from

"You have heard that it was said to our people long ago, 'Don't kill any person.

And any person that kills will be judged.' But I tell you, don't be angry with another person.

Every person is your brother. If you are angry with other people, you will be judged.

And if you say bad things to another person, you will be judged by the Jewish council.

And if you call another person a fool, you will be in danger of the fire of hell."

-- Matthew 5:21-22 (ERV)


As religious people, it is so easy for us to feel pious and righteous when we hear of all the horrible things done in our world that are ungodly.

"Thankfully I'm not one of them!" we can smugly think to ourselves.

Jesus shatters all of our smugness.

He tells us that he wants our righteousness to exceed that of the Pharisees and Scribes.

He really means it.

The next several verses will drive this point home.

The character of heart described in the beatitudes is now demanded of disciples in our everyday lives.

There's no room for smugness when Jesus tells us that angry hatred, slanderous gossip, or shaming speech puts us in the same category as murderers.

His point?

Murder starts in the heart and works its way out.

These two actions are all part of the same continuum -- different by degree, not by kind.


O Lord, purge from my heart all bitterness, hatred, and venomous anger.

Give me your Spirit of forgiveness and grace.

I want to be pure in heart and hold nothing against those you love.

Father, I don't want to poison my heart with the stains of Satan's tools of anger, judgmentalism, and disrespect.

In Jesus' name I pray.


Thursday, January 15

dealing with distraction...

sometimes my mind wanders...

even if i'm doing something really fulfilling, sometimes my mind will wander off a bit on a trail that is usually trivial and meaningless.

this only bothers me if it happens when i am supposed to be actively listening to someone else,

and during my devotions and prayer time with God.

if it happens during a time of crisis or great pain, that is only to be expected...

our emotions are constantly trying to survive the moment or moments,

so our thoughts and our emotions wander off to smaller rabbit trails.

but sometimes when i read my devotions and talk to our Abba, my mind will think of 20 other things i could be doing elsewhere.

stupid little things that aren't even slightly comparable to my time with the Lord.

and if i put those other things above my time with Him, i cause Him pain.

it is an insult to hurts Him.

He was never meant to 'play second fiddle' in our hearts.

have you ever been talking with someone, really talking about something important in your life

and you can just tell the person across from you isn't listening?

they're nodding in all the right places but there is a bit of vacancy behind the eyes?

doesn't it hurt?

even just a little?

here's why...

if we are trying to communicate something near and dear to our hearts and our friend/partner/spouse/children aren't really 'tuning in', their behavior gives off a silent yet striking message:

i am more interested in what's going on in my life than what's happening in yours...

now to be fair, that is probably NOT the intention of the vacant listener across from you.

they are probably NOT trying to hurt or ignore you...

but regardless of intentions, it hurts anyway.

because we all want to be seen, to be heard...

when our God pays attention to us, He notices every itsy bitsy tiny detail and nuance.

He gives us His complete and undivided attention.

even the smallest prayer or concern matters a great deal to God.

He adores adoring you...

and that undivided and Holy attention from God sends us this unfailing message:

i love you enough to truly listen and care about whatever you're going through.

you matter to Me.

I value your thoughts and struggles.

I value you...

dearest Abba,

please help me to discipline my thought-life to the point of really actively listening and responding to those around me.

help me to set aside my own wandering thoughts long enough to truly listen to You and others that You've placed in my life.

help me to give my full attention to You the way You do for me.

i never want to put You in 2ND or 3RD place in my heart and thought-life.

You are truly worthy to be my chief priority and i never want to hurt You, my Father...

with all i am and all i want to be,

Your laineyrose

Wednesday, January 7

this is a small devotion taken from praise Abba for this site!


"I will sing to the LORD all my life;

I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the LORD."

~Psalm 104:33-34~


Do you sing in the shower?

What words are on your lips?

Singing is such a wonderful gift!

First, it is a gift from God to us, to help us express our joy, excitement, sorrow, and victory.

Second, it is a gift from us to God, to help us communicate our respect, appreciation, love, and

confidence in God.

So let's sing, praising God for what he has done, proclaiming what he will do, and sharing what he is

currently doing in our lives!


O God, Father in heaven, even your name is holy.

Please exert your will over my heart, and the hearts of those in our world, so they more closely reflect

your holy character.

I trust you, dear LORD, for the food I need each day.

I ask you, Holy Father, to forgive me as I release my bitterness and anger which I have held against those

who have wounded me ~

I will need your help to do this.

Empower me, O God, to resist the temptations and deceptions of the Evil One.

Please make my life a glorious witness to your grace.

In Jesus' name I pray.
