Monday, March 24

thank you!

even though my birthday is not officially for 2 more days, my family
combined easter and my birthday yesterday...

it was the best birthday party i think i've ever had!
so much kindness and thoughtfulness put into it all
with pretty decorations, a delicious cake and such kind gifts...

and i'm just so grateful to them all:
mom & dad
renee', ron, corey, christopher and king linus
nattie, gregory and li-li
mou, nanna and beezawee.

we all missed ernzy...he is the only one that could have made it even more special.
(~we love you always, ernzy~)

we had an easter egg hunt outside, even though it was rainy...
i couldn't join in but i watched and cheered them on!
(my mom joined the kids and she looked so precious and tiny as she quietly looked for eggs...God bless you, Ma)

there was ham, a beautiful fruit salad, green-bean casserole, potatoes o'gratin, rolls, shrimp cocktail dip, vanilla ice cream and a beautiful cake from cosco...

mom blessed me with 4 pairs of shoes - (i have pretty strappy heels now!), 2 beautiful button up cardigans - one red, one cream, jewelry, a new silver purse, nail polish and makeup!

dad blessed me with a very nice box fan - (i sleep on my couch and not in my room and the white noise helps me rest), and smokes - yay!

'nae and ron blessed me with a beautiful pink-ice sterling ring and money for Taco Bell - my new fav! (for some reason, it is the only thing i can eat that doesn't make me want to "v")

nattie and gregory blessed me with a funny card and a gift card to barnes & noble...i can never have too many books, i am a voracious reader!

treesa peesa has blessed me with a homemade betty boop purse, cadbury eggs and my fav hair dye!

i mean WOW...
best birthday ever!!!

thank you all for loving me so much...
and though i can never deserve it or understand why, i will be grateful for always and always and always...

all my heart and soul,

your lainey


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