Tuesday, October 3

The Lakehouse...

sometimes i've felt as if i couldn't remember love...
or as if it was a party and i was the only one not invited.
there is such raw power in loving someone unconditionally - without time or barrier.
i felt that once...many years ago.
i was afraid of it - i remember that.
i remember being held and loved just as i was, in that moment...
in his arms.
and it was there that all my fears ran away, and hope beckoned, promising me tomorrow.
later, we would part and i would begin to go back to a time when i was tender, vulnerable and humble.
i had to be 're-born'...
now my days are full again.
love is here once the eyes of my children, friends and family.
it is a different love to be sure - but it is love nonetheless...
and that is more than enough.


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