Wednesday, April 22


my son said a terrible thing to me last night...

took my breath away...

couldn't even talk after that...

i just sat quietly on the couch and cried...

he broke my heart.

lil b was in the kitchen when he said those things to me

and after he stopped talking, she wrote me a note

and told me how much she loves me and she was sorry for what he did,

and how he caused me so much pain.

i was grateful for her empathy and compassion.

and then this morning, just before my son left for school, he stood in the hallway and said very quietly,


i looked at him, then at my lap and said "yes?"

and he completely apologized and took back what he said, that he didn't mean it at all, and told me how truly sorry he was for saying those things and making me cry.

he was truly repentant...

i quietly told him that it was okay...

and suddenly, it was.

the softened heart of someone who's truly repentant is a beautiful thing to behold.

it's unmistakable,


it's the missing 'Balm of Gilead',

it's healing,



and heart-defining.

i've been denied forgiveness in the past

and though the experience was very painful,

it changed the way i see forgiveness...



if you've wounded another, take the scary step forward

and in true repentance, "eat and own" what you have done.

we all make big mistakes at times and need big forgiveness.

if someone's wounded you, whether they ever apologize or not,

forgive as quickly and as thoroughly as you can.

it's the only way to be set free from the past ~

even if the past was just last night...

Saturday, April 18

Amen and amen to this...i hate death!

For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
*1 Corinthians 15:25-26*

How many times have you stood over the grave of a recently departed friend or loved one?
When was the last time you tasted grief and separation from someone you dearly loved?
I don't know about you, but I am so thankful that the Bible identifies death as one of Jesus' enemies.
I am thankful that he hates death, and the damage and separation it causes, even more than I do.
I am filled with joy to know that death will be destroyed and immortality and life will be given to the children of God!

Holy Father, please triumph with life and mercy in the lives of those I know who are wrestling with emotional, spiritual, and physical death.
Triumph in their lives through your power and your grace. I look forward to the day, dear Father, when death is no more.
Lord Jesus, I not only pray this in your name, but I ask you to speed this day.
(this and other devotions can be found at