Sunday, January 6

for those who remain...

thank You, Abba...

for good friends,
people who love you through the thick and thin of life...

for those who forgive,
people who willingly grant you a second, third, gazillioneth chance...

for those who believe,
people who choose to see the best in you, even when there is very little to see...

for those who never give up,
people who'd rather stay in the fight than retreat to a corner of safety...

thank You, for putting people in my life who really care - who are patient with me and who really know how to love me...
especially when i can never deserve or earn it.

special mention to:

ttt, nanna, mou, beezawee and my ma & dad...

may i love you fully in return and when you need it the most.

my love to you all,
