Saturday, February 24

for Ernzy...

it's been a year today, Ernzy...but it only feels like yesterday when nattie told me you were gone.
it was a saturday morning and i got the knock on my door and it was nattie telling me the worst news i've had in so many, many years.

even today, i cannot believe you are gone...i love you so much, very, very much...i'd give the world to have you back.

i love you, precious Ernzy...and our earthly lives will never be the same without you.
at the very least, i have an incredible moment to look forward to...when i see you again at Heaven's gate!
wait for me there, Ernzy...we will celebrate beyond belief and never have to say goodbye again.

in honor of you...2/24/2006

Sunday, February 18

Remember that always...

"I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go:
I will guide thee with mine eye.
Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which
have no understanding: whose mouth
must be held in with bit and bridle."

Tuesday, February 6

of anger...

"Drinking from the Poisoned Well"
~by Tourniquet~

"Fist through a wall - foot through a door
Just another day for me to abhor
There's a wall in my plan for you today
There's a door with your name where it lay
Years of hateful thoughts will get you back; I'll be at peace soon
You think you're punishing me by your anger
But it's you serving the jail sentence
Heart turned to stone suffering all alone
Calibrating how hatred can sink the power of forgiveness
Anger needs a place to be buried
Anger needs a process for it's gravestone
The time has come to speak of many things
Not shoes and ships and sealing wax not cabbages and Kings
But the way your raging words and actions
Gouge a monumental chasm between us
If I could only help you to see what I see
As you push away the ones who love you
Your world is closing in on you
The once many friends become the reluctant few
And when the few that remain choose rather to abstain
You'll be left alone with all the pain
And you'll ponder at length how a day turned a year
And the years rolled along till nobody was near
Broken before the One who understands
That it's hard to let go of familiar land
But you've got to leave the safe ground behind
A better place is waiting where there's peace of mind
Now that you've come to realize
That chronic anger has a steep price
Taking more than you can afford to give
Stealing the joy that you need to live"

~by Kirkpatrick~
Proverbs 29:11