Thursday, April 20

April 20...

Today is the anniversary of my Dad's suicide...i was 12 years old at the time...many years later i wrote a song for him...but now, i think it is for my Ernzy as well...i can't remember it all right now ~ just the chorus:

"You could have stayed a little longer
waited for me to come to you
i would have held you 'til you were stronger
waited with you 'til it was through"

i miss you Dad, i will miss you always...
~April 20, 1979~

Monday, April 17

something about Ernzy...

today i start bereavement counseling to try and survive without my beloved brother, Ernzy...
O, God, i miss him so
i'd give anything to just have one more moment with him
i was not all i should have been to him while he was alive
i failed him at times, i know this...

thank you all for your continued prayers and support, they mean more than you know...

